Explanatory photo to the office of the International Ramen Association

The nearest is the north side of JR Sakuragicho Station.
After exiting the station, there is a promenade leading to Yokohama Landmark Tower on the left side, so please proceed to that direction.
Feel free to call us if you have any questions.
Yokohama Landmark Tower 20th floor 2-2-1 Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa
International Ramen Association
JR Sakuragicho Station East Exit (North Gate)

Please get off at the east exit (north ticket gate) of JR Sakuragicho Station.
Yokohama Air Cabin

Pass while looking at the side of Yokohama Minato Mirai’s ropeway “Yokohama Air Cabin”.
Passing in front of the entrance of Colette Mare.

After passing the entrance of Colette Mare, you can see the escalator going up.
Go up the escalator.

Past the Colette Mare entrance, there is an up-only escalator that takes you to the landmark.
Please go up here.
Go straight.

There is an entrance to the Landmark Tower, but please continue straight on the slope.
The entrance to the Royal Park Hotel.

There is an office entrance just past the entrance to the Royal Park Hotel.
Please take the C elevator at the elevator hall.

At the elevator hall, take the C elevator to the 20th floor.
There are nameplates at the entrances on the 1st and 3rd floors.

At the entrances on the 1st and 3rd floors, the nameplate of the International Ramen Association is posted.
Please come to the 20th floor from the elevator hall C in the back.
When you get off at the 20th floor, it is the office entrance entrance.

Take the elevator down to the 20th floor and turn right.
There is an office entrance.
Please tell us about your visit at the reception desk.
There is also a nameplate at the entrance.